With all the pain in your chest, heart attack headed by shows. The fact that there are many other types of chest pain to seek medical help and you always experience all kinds of chest pain that is also good in mind.
Sting related
1. Aortic dissection-this is from suddenly exploded in I feel like a horrible stabbing pain. This is your back-the only between the shoulder blades in the mid section to fast-spreading the.
2. Pericarditis - the pain of mind - mind film occurs because of inflammation of the membrane cover. This is very different from the pain of angina pectoris-it is very noticeable and is sharp. Every breath you take will worsen the lie and unbearable at will. Only when a slight relief to locate a slouch.
3. Myocarditis-this pain is similar to the pericaridatis; it is caused by inflammation of the heart muscle.
Lung-related pain
4. Pneumonia – this is sick because of acute chest pain. However, associated with the accumulation of this fever, cough, shortness of breath, and phlegm.
5. Pleurisy-inflammation of the membranes covering the pleura or lung in May. This pain such as pericarditis expiratory stressed.
6. Pneumothorax-collapses your lungs for the accumulation of air around it at this time. Pain is sharp, suddenly the breath taking in deterioration gets. Unable to expand the lungs take in air suffocated pain, feeling associated with them.
7. Pulmonary hypertension-blood vessels to irrigate this high blood pressure, lung, in simple terms, it is. Body movement and deep breathing worse feel enormous pressure of getting breast, no pointless.
Stomach esophagus related pain
8. Reflux pain-this is one of the pain associated with most common indigestion and sour. Painful burning sensation, usually start under the sternum, associated with acid reflux. Fast is this pain relieved by antacids.
9. Spasm esophageal-this is a rare condition; reason why this happens but it clearly has not yet. Sudden spasm, stabbing pain quickly generates just below the sternum, the muscles of the esophagus may. This pain is deepened swallowing a dose of nitroglycerin.
Esophageal tear 10-this is usually happens after a heavy attack of vomiting, alcoholism common occurrence. Intensified by swallowing. Boerhaave syndrome pain is very severe, rupture of the esophagus is acute symptoms.
Other types of pain
11 Back or chest muscle spasms, or usually follow several serious physical strain sprains muscle cramps-causes this pain. Pain is usually sensitive to touch and localization.
12. Anxiety and stress-can cause very similar to the sudden anxiety and stress angina chest waistline. Also feel dizzy and situations like this in breath, no pointless.
Many types discussed in this chest pain. You must wait as mentioned ago, are experiencing any pain self diagnosis cannot be. To the best solutions (Safety), the nearest medical facility immediately check to is.